Our Covid-19 Response
At the CT Performing Arts Center, the health and safety of our students is extremely important to us!
In addition to providing quality instruction to all of our students, we also want to provide them with a safe and healthy learning environment during this COVID-19 pandemic. We believe that the following plan will allow us to accomplish both objectives.
Our Hybrid Approach
Each class will be offered through live instruction at our center. Students will be permitted to attend in person, providing that they are well and that they adhere to our Health and Safety Guidelines listed below. Each of these live classes will also be televised through Zoom, so that students who are not able to attend in person can still participate through teleconference. Students will not be permitted in the center if they are experiencing the symptoms of COVID or if they have recently been exposed to someone that has tested positive for COVID; however, we do want to ensure that no one misses out.
Based on lessons-learned from last year, we will be investing in audio-visual equipment that will make remote attendance as effective as possible. We want to make sure students are able to interact with the instructor and with the other students just as they would if they were in class together.
Contingency Plan
Based on current guidelines, we will be allowed to operate the center at 50% capacity, and we have sized our classes accordingly. If these guidelines change, and we are required to reduce capacity below 50%, our hybrid approach will allow us to shift seamlessly into a rotation schedule. Each week, only a portion of the class will be required to attend remotely, and this assignment will rotate on a weekly basis. Our goal will be to give each student as much time at the studio as possible, in accordance with whatever restriction is in place, but also make Zoom classes as effective as possible for the students that are not able to attend.
Health and Safety Guidelines
While government mandated regulations may be subject to change, we are moving forward with the assumption that the Phase 2 guidelines for gyms and fitness centers will still be in place this fall. Accordingly, we ask that students, parents, and staff adhere to the following rules and procedures.
- Masks must be worn at all times except during vigorous exercise. Masks may be pulled down or taken off to allow the dancer to breathe more freely. They must maintain a good social distance from others while doing so, and must replace the mask once recovered. This guideline also applies to instructors.
- Markers have been placed on the dance floor at 6 foot intervals, and students will be encouraged to maintain proper distancing whenever possible.
- Ballet Barres and other common hand touch points will be wiped down at the end of each class.
- Students MUST wash hands after using the bathroom.
- Drinking fountains will be used as water bottle filling stations only. Please bring your own water bottle – clearly marked with your name or distinguishable from others.
- We encourage parents to drop off and pick up their children curbside. Parents will not be allowed to stay in the lobby area. Those with younger children who wish to walk their child in and out may do so but they must wear a mask and cannot congregate.
EXCEPTION – Parents of pre-dance students MUST stay and wear a mask. You must socially distance yourself in the lobby waiting area during the class.
- In order to avoid a large overlap between the students entering and those exiting, we have requested that our instructors dismiss students 3-5 minutes early. This will also give instructors the chance to sanitize surfaces. If possible…
- Parents who arrive early to drop off their children should wait with them in the car until the start time of the class.
- Parents should arrive five minutes early to pick up their children, and should wait in the parking lot, or just outside the building, at a location where their children can see them from the front window.
- If your child is not feeling well please DO NOT send them to class.
- Your child will not be allowed in the studio if:
- They have traveled to an area with widespread or sustained community transmission of Coronavirus in the past 14 days before class. (State regulations require you to self quarantine if you have done so)
- They have been in close contact with a person that has confirmed Coronavirus. (Close contact means longer than 15 minutes within 6 ft. without mask)
- They currently have a fever (100.0 degrees F) or they have had one in the last 24 hrs before class. PLEASE remember to check your child’s temperature before each class.
- They have a new or worsening cough, shortness of breath, loss of senses (taste and/or smell) AND/OR NEW ONSET of weakness, fatigue, stomach pain, or diarrhea.